US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) Courses

Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals Course

Come and learn from a US military veteran and current professional in law enforcement about:

Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. The course is a complete guide to understanding conflict-avoidance and situational awareness; home security and home defense; handgun, shotgun, and AR-15 basics; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training.

  • Developing A Personal and Home Protection Plan
  • Safety & Self-Defense Firearms Basics
  • Defensive Shooting Fundamentals
  • Legal Use of Force & Other Legal Considerations
  • Gear & Gadgets
  • Basic & Advanced Skills

This 8-hour course exceeds Colorado state minimum standards.

(This is a non-shooting course. There are dry fire exercises in class.)

Countering The Mass Shooter Threat

Have you been concerned about the threat of a mass shooter? Do you want to understand the statics around them and counter them? This seminar goes over mass shootings by the numbers.

If some of your questions have been:

  • Would reducing magazine capacity or banning AR-15s work?
  • Do gun-free zones help or hurt?
  • Does victim response make a difference?
  • What are universal background checks, and would they end mass shootings?
  • What about no-fly lists and terror watch lists?

The seminar covers that by talking about knowing the signs of someone who may become a mass shooter and the criteria for a gun-free zone. Next, we will discuss creating an emergency operations plan for your school, house of worship, or business and special security considerations for each. Next, we talk about using the Run, Hide, Fight Methodology. When fighting back means using a firearm or whatever is at hand as a weapon. Finally, we will look at triage and treating the wounded.

CCHDF Instructor Course

If you enjoy teaching and working with people on their skills to defend themselves with a firearm, this is the course for you:

  1. You will be exposed to the Socratic Method of teaching.
  2. Review the methods of hands-on instruction with students handling a firearm.
  3. The do's and don't of teaching.
  4. You will give "Teach Backs."
  5. You will be given a topic to cover and present to your fellow instructor candidates.
  6. You will have to shoot an instructor qualification course.

To sign off on concealed carry certification in the state of Colorado, instructors will also have to be NRA instructor certified.

Emergency First-Aid Fundamentals

Would you know what to do if you were deep in the wilderness and a hunting companion sustained a penetrating chest wound from an errant round?

Could you prolong the life of a loved one long enough for the ambulance to arrive if they had sustained a lacerated artery from a violent attacker armed with a knife?

Most Americans are comfortable dealing with the cuts and scrapes of everyday life, and tens of thousands have learned the Heimlich maneuver and CPR. However, many individuals would be a bit less comfortable dealing with severe, life-threatening injuries or illnesses when seconds count and EMS personnel and the emergency room are minutes (or longer) away. In Emergency First Aid Fundamentals, you’ll learn the proper way to assess a patient. You’ll also learn in great detail the appropriate way to deal with significant issues such as severe bleeding, chest injuries, a compromised airway, spinal injuries, broken bones, and more. While it might seem unrealistic to translate what professional EMTs and paramedics can do in an emergency versus the things that an ordinary person would be capable of in life-threatening medical and traumatic emergencies, it all boils down to the same thing — sustaining the life of the patient until they can be delivered to the emergency room.

If you’re ready to become your family’s first responder in all emergencies, you cannot miss this training. During this training, you’ll do more than sit in a classroom learning about these topics. Instead, your USCCA instructor will work you through a dozen real-world scenarios using simulated patients and the actual products (or field expedients) that you’ll need to understand if you hope to save a life.